
Geometry classes, for manipulating points, collections of points, lines, and normalizing angles.

class soar.sim.geometry.Line(p1, p2, eps=1e-08, normalize=False)

Bases: object

A line in the (x, y) plane defined by two points on the line.

  • p1 – An (x, y) tuple or Point as one of the points on the line.
  • p2 – An (x, y) tuple or Point as another point on the line.
  • eps (float, optional) – The epsilon within which to consider a line horizontal or vertical, for precision purposes.
  • normalize (bool, optional) – If True, normalize the internal vector representation to be a unit vector.

Determine the (signed) distance of a point from the line.

Parameters:p – An (x, y) tuple or Point to measure distance from.
Returns:The signed distance from the line.
Return type:float
has_point(p, eps=1e-08)

Determine whether a point lies on the line.

  • p – The (x, y) tuple or Point to check.
  • eps (float, optional) – The distance to tolerate before a point is considered not to be on the line.

True if the point is on the line, False otherwise.

Return type:


intersection(other, eps=1e-08)

Determine whether two lines intersect.

  • other – The Line to find the intersection with.
  • eps (float, optional) – The smallest absolute difference to tolerate before the lines are considered to be converging.

The Point of intersection, or None if the lines are parallel (based on epsilon).

class soar.sim.geometry.LineSegment(p1, p2, eps=1e-08)

Bases: soar.sim.geometry.Line

A line segment in the (x, y) plane defined by two endpoints.

  • p1 – An (x, y) tuple or Point as the first endpoint.
  • p2 – An (x, y) tuple or Point as the second endpoint.
  • eps (float, optional) – The minimum absolute difference in x or y before the line is considered horizontal or vertical.

Determine whether one segment intersects with another.

Parameters:other – Another LineSegment.
Returns:True if the segments have an intersection, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
has_point(p, eps=1e-08)

Determine whether a point lies on the line segment.

  • p – The (x, y) tuple or Point to check.
  • eps (float, optional) – The distance to tolerate before a point is considered not to be on the line segment.

True if the point is on the line segment, False otherwise.

Return type:


intersection(other, eps=1e-08)

Find the intersection(s) between two line segments, or this line segment and a Line.

  • other – The other LineSegment to find intersections with.
  • eps (float, optional) – The epsilon or tolerance to pass to the Line intersection and has_point checks.

Either a list of Point (s) representing all of the intersections, or None, if there weren’t any. Also returns None if the segment and a Line are exactly parallel.

class soar.sim.geometry.Point(x, y)

Bases: object

Represents a point in the x, y plane.

Points can be interpreted and treated as x, y tuples in most cases.


float – The x coordinate of the point.


float – The y coordinate of the point.

  • x (float) – The x coordinate of the point.
  • y (float) – The y coordinate of the point.

Vector addition; adds two points.

Parameters:other – An (x, y) tuple or an instance of Point.
Returns:The Point that is the sum of this point and the argument.

Return the angle between two points.

Parameters:other – An (x, y) tuple or an instance of Point.
Returns:Angle in radians of the vector from self to other.
Return type:float

Returns a copy of the Point.


Calculate the distance between two points.

Parameters:other – An (x, y) tuple or an instance of Point.
Returns:The Euclidean distance between the points.
Return type:float
is_near(other, eps)

Determine whether the distance between two points is within a certain value.

  • other – An (x, y) tuple or an instance of Point.
  • eps (float) – The epilson within which to consider the points near one another.

True if the points are withing eps of each other, False otherwise.

Return type:



The magnitude of this point interpreted as a vector.

Returns:The magnitude of the vector from the origin to this point.
Return type:float

Return a new Point that is the midpoint of self and other.

Parameters:other – An (x, y) tuple or an instance of Point.
Returns:A Point that is the midpoint of self and other.
rotate(other, theta)

Rotate about other by theta radians (positive values are counterclockwise).

  • other – An (x, y) tuple or an instance of Point.
  • theta (float) – The number of radians to rotate counterclockwise.

The rotated Point.

scale(value, other=(0, 0))

Scale the vector from other to self by value, and return the endpoint of that vector.

  • value (float) – The value to scale by.
  • other – An (x, y) tuple or a Point as the origin to scale from.

The endpoint of the scaled vector, as a Point.


Vector subtraction; subtracts subtracts two points.

Parameters:other – An (x, y) tuple or an instance of Point.
Returns:The Point that is the difference of this point and the argument.

Returns: An (x, y) tuple representing the point.

class soar.sim.geometry.PointCollection(points, center=None)

Bases: object

A movable collection of points.

Can be iterated over like a list of Point. Unlike Point, PointCollections are mutable–that is, rotating them, translating them, etc. changes the internal point list.

  • points – A list of (x, y) tuples or Point.
  • center – An (x, y) tuple or Point as the pivot or center of the collection.

Re-center the collection.

Parameters:new_center – An (x, y) tuple or Point that will be the collection’s new center.
rotate(pivot, theta)

Rotate about other by theta radians (positive values are counterclockwise).

  • pivot – An (x, y) tuple or a Point.
  • theta (float) – The number of radians to rotate counterclockwise.
scale(value, origin=(0, 0))

Scale each point away/towards some origin.

  • value (float) – The scale amount.
  • origin – An (x, y) tuple or Point from which the collection’s points will move away/towards.

Translate the collection by the vector delta.

Parameters:delta – An (x, y) tuple or Point, treated as a vector and added to each point in the collection.
class soar.sim.geometry.Pose(x, y, t)

Bases: soar.sim.geometry.Point

A point facing a direction in the xy plane.

Poses can be interpreted and treated as (x, y, theta) tuples in most cases.

  • x – The x coordinate of the pose.
  • y – The y coordinate of the pose.
  • t – The angle between the direction the pose is facing and the positive x axis, in radians.

Returns a copy of the Pose.

is_near(other, dist_eps, angle_eps)

Determine whether two poses are close.

  • other – An (x, y, t) tuple or Pose.
  • dist_eps (float) – The distance epilson within which to consider the poses close.
  • angle_eps (float) – The angle episilon within which to consider the poses close.

True if the distance between the point portions is within dist_eps, and the normalized difference between the angle portions is within angle_eps.

Return type:



Strips the angle component of the pose and returns a point at the same position.

Returns:The (x, y) portion of the pose, as a Point.
rotate(pivot, theta)

Rotate the point portion of the pose about a pivot. Leaves the theta portion unchanged.

  • pivot – A Point, subclass (like Pose), or (x, y) tuple as the pivot/axis of rotation.
  • theta (float) – The number of radians to rotate by. Positive values are counterclockwise.

Return a new pose that has been transformed (translated and turned).

Parameters:other – A Pose or 3-tuple-like object, by which to translate and turn.
Returns:A new Pose equivalent to translating self by (other[0], other[1]) and rotating by other[2].

Returns: An (x, y, t) tuple representing the pose.

soar.sim.geometry.ccw(p1, p2, p3)

Determine whether the turn formed by points p1, p2, and p3 is counterclockwise.

  • p1 – An (x, y) tuple or Point as the start of the turn.
  • p2 – An (x, y) tuple or Point as the midpoint of the turn.
  • p3 – An (x, y) tuple or Point as the end of the turn.
soar.sim.geometry.clip(value, m1, m2)

Clip a value between two bounds.

  • value (float) – The value to clip.
  • m1 (float) – The first bound.
  • m2 (float) – The second bound.

A clipped value guaranteed to be between the min and max of the bounds.

Return type:



Normalize an angle in radians to be within -pi and pi.

Parameters:theta (float) – The angle to normalize, in radians.
Returns:The normalized angle.
Return type:float

Normalize an angle in radians to be within 0 and 2*pi.

Parameters:theta (float) – The angle to normalize, in radians.
Returns:The normalized angle.
Return type:float