
Soar logging is done via JSON objects separated by newlines. All logged objects will contain a type key. There are various types of logged objects:

  • meta: A typical meta object might look like:

    {"version": "1.0.0dev3", "brain": "path/to/brain.py", "type": "meta", "world": "path/to/world.py", "simulated": false}

    containing information about the controller when it was loaded. When a simulation completes, the following meta object is logged:

    {"type": "meta", "completed": <time elapsed>}
  • step: Step objects are logged before every step, and one is logged after the simulation is stopped as well:

    {"type": "meta", "step": <step_number>, "elapsed": <time elapsed>, "brain_print": <brain stdout>, "robot": <serialized robot data>}

    containing information about the step.

  • plot: Plot objects are logged whenever the user closes a simulation with a PlotWindow open:

    {"type": "plot", "data": <hex data of png image of plot>}