
Controller classes and functions for controlling robots, simulated or real.

class soar.controller.Controller(client_future, robot, brain, simulated, gui, step_duration=0.1, realtime=True, world=None, log=None)

Bases: object

A class for interacting with simulated or real robots.

Initialized by the client and used to call the user defined methods of the robot and brain.


bool – Indicates whether the controller is currently running–that is, repeatedly stepping.


bool – Indicates whether the controller has been started.


bool – Indicates whether the controller has been stopped.


int – The number of steps that have elapsed so far.


float – The number of seconds spent actually running. Unless a step takes longer than step_duration, this will typically be the step_count multiplied by step_duration. If any steps take longer, the additional time will also be counted here.

  • client_future – The function to call to schedule a future for the client to execute.
  • gui – The currently soar.gui.soar_ui.SoarUI instance, if any, or None if in headless mode.
  • simulated (bool) – If True, the controller will simulate the robot. Otherwise it will treat the robot as real.
  • robot – An instance of soar.robot.base.BaseRobot or a subclass.
  • brain – The currently loaded brain module, supporting the on_load(), on_start(), on_step(), on_stop(), and on_shutdown() methods.
  • realtime (bool) – If True, stepping takes real time–that is, the controller will sleep for whatever time is not used running the step, until the step has taken at least step_duration seconds. Otherwise, no sleeping will occur; however the elapsed time will behave as if each step was at least step_duration long.
  • world – An instance of or one of its subclasses if one is loaded, or None.
  • step_duration (float) – The duration of a single step, in seconds.
  • log – A callable that accepts a dict-like object as an argument to log to a file, or None, if no logging
  • to take place. (is) –

Called when the controller fails.


Called when the controller is loaded.


Log information about the current step.


Runs the controller, starting it if necessary, for one or many steps, or without stopping.

Parameters:n – If None, run forever, at least until stopped. If 0, start the controller, if it has not yet been started. Otherwise, for n > 0, run for that many steps.

Called when the controller is shut down.


Called when the controller is stopped.