
Soar Main GUI classes.

Classes for building the main GUI, which allows the user to load brains & worlds, start simulations, etc.

class soar.gui.soar_ui.ButtonFrame(master, image=None, text=None, command=None, state=None)

Bases: tkinter.Frame

A Tk frame containing an image Button and a Label immediately beneath it, arranged via the grid geometry manager.


The button inside the frame.


The label inside the frame.

  • master – The parent widget or window in which to place the frame.
  • image (optional) – The image to place inside the button.
  • text (optional) – The text to place inside the label.
  • command (optional) – The function to call when the button is clicked.
  • state (optional) – The state of the button, either NORMAL or DISABLED.
config(image=None, text=None, command=None, state=None)

Sets the parameters of the button/label.

  • image (optional) – The image to place inside the button.
  • text (optional) – The text to place inside the label.
  • command (optional) – The function to call when the button is clicked.
  • state (optional) – The state of the button, either NORMAL or DISABLED.
class soar.gui.soar_ui.IntegerEntry(parent, value='', **kwargs)

Bases: tkinter.Entry

A Tk entry that only allows integers.

  • parent – The parent Tk widget or window.
  • value (str) – The initial value. Must be able to be cast to int.
  • **kwargs – Arbitrary Tk keyword arguments.
class soar.gui.soar_ui.LoadingIcon(parent, file, frames)

Bases: tkinter.Label

An animated loading icon that can be shown or hidden.

  • parent – The parent Tk widget or window.
  • file (str) – The path to an animated .gif. The last frame should be empty/transparent.
  • frames (int) – The number of frames in the .gif.
class soar.gui.soar_ui.SoarUI(client_future, client_mainloop, parent=None, title='Soar 1.5.2')

Bases: tkinter.Tk

The main GUI window.

  • client_future – The function to call to schedule a future with the client.
  • client_mainloop – The client’s mainloop function, restarted after the main thread switches to Tk execution.
  • parent (optional) – The parent window. It is almost always unnecessary to change this from the default.
  • title (str, optional) – The main window title.
attach_window(w, linked=True)

Attach an existing window to the SoarUI.

Parameters:linked (bool) – If True, the window will be destroyed whenever the simulator window is destroyed.
Returns:The window that was attached.

Called when the brain button is pushed.


Configure buttons and paths when a brain is loaded.


Hide the loading icon and delete all button state frames.


Close windows, optionally unlinked ones, clear the draw queue, and set the simulator canvas to None.

Parameters:close_unlinked (bool) – If True, closes all windows. Otherwise, closes only the linked ones.

Called when the connect to robot button is pushed.


Called when the real robot’s requested reload has finished.


Called when the real robot is ready.


Called by the client when the controller fails.


Called when an error occurs connecting to the real robot.


Re-enable user interaction, and hide the loading icon.

future(func, *args, after_idle=False, **kwargs)

Executes a function (asynchronously) in the GUI event loop ASAP in the future.


Called when a GUI error occurs, such as an error while drawing a world or window.


Initialize the grid geometry.


Disable user interaction and animate the loading icon.


Enter the Tk event loop, and restart the client as a new thread.

Redirect stdout and stderr to the GUI’s output frame.


Called when the main window is closed.


Called when the pause button is pushed.


Called when the controller has finished pausing.


Called when the play button is pushed.


Called after the controller has started playing.

reload_cmd(reload_controller=True, clear_output=True, silent=False, close_unlinked=False, callback=None)

Kill the controller, close windows, and reload the brain and world.

  • reload_controller (bool) – If True, immediately reload whatever controller was in effect previously.
  • close_unlinked (bool) – If True, close all windows, not just the linked ones.
  • clear_output (bool) – If True, clears the output of the output frame.
  • silent (bool) – If True, stops the client from printing 'LOAD BRAIN'-like messages.
  • callback – The function to call after the reload has finished, or None.
reload_finished(reload_controller, sim_canvas, connected, callback)

Called after the client has finished reloading.

  • reload_controller (bool) – If True, reload the previous controller.
  • sim_canvas – If not None, the controller to be reloaded is the simulator.
  • connected – If True, the controller to be reloaded is the real robot controller.
  • callback – A function to call once the reload has finished, or None.
report_callback_exception(exc, val, traceback)

Report callback exception to sys.stderr, as well as notifying the Soar client.

In addition, signal any events that may need to be flagged for synchronous_future.


Reset all of the button states to what they are at initialization, before any files are loaded.

Parameters:clear_output (bool, optional) – If True, clear the contents of the output frame.

Called when the simulator button is pushed.


Called when the simulator’s reload has finished.


Called when the simulator is ready.


Called when the step button is pushed.


Called when the controller finishes multi-stepping.


Called when the stop button is pushed.


Called when the controller has stopped.

synchronous_future(func, *args, after_idle=False, **kwargs)

Executes a function in the GUI event loop, waiting either for its return, or for a Tk exception.


Add a new window to the UI’s internal list, and return a new Toplevel window, optionally linked.

Parameters:linked (bool) – If True, the window will be destroyed whenever the simulator window is destroyed.
Returns:The new Toplevel window.

Called when the world button is pushed.


Configure buttons and paths when a world is ready.