
ARCOS (Advanced Robot Control and Operations Software) Client.

Classes and functions for communicating with an ARCOS server running on an Adept MobileRobot platform (typically Pioneer 2 and 3).

soar.robot.arcos.ADSEL = 35

Select the A/D port number for reporting ANPORT value in standard SIP.

class soar.robot.arcos.ARCOSClient(timeout=1.0, write_timeout=1.0, allowed_timeouts=2)

Bases: object

An ARCOS Client communicating over a serial port with an ARCOS server.

  • timeout (float) – The time to wait while receiving data before a timeout occurs, in seconds.
  • write_timeout (float) – The time to wait while sending data before a timeout occurs, in seconds.
  • allowed_timeouts (int) – The number of timeouts to tolerate before the update coroutine closes the port.

dict – The last standard Server Information Packet (SIP) received, or None, if one hasn’t been received yet.


dict – The last CONFIGpac SIP received, or None, if one hasn’t been received yet.


dict – The last ENCODERpac SIP received, or None, if one hasn’t been received yet.


dict – The last IOpac SIP received, or None, if one hasn’t been received yet.


threading.Event – Set whenever a standard SIP is received.


threading.Event – Set whenever a CONFIGpac SIP is received.


threading.Event – Set whenever an ENCODERpac SIP is received.


threading.Event – Set whenever an IOpac is received.


list – A list of the latest sonar array values, updated whenever a standard SIP is received.


Attempt to connect and sync with an ARCOS server over a serial port.

Returns if successful.

Parameters:forced_ports (list, optional) – If provided, a list of serial ports to try connecting to. Otherwise, the client will try all available ports.
Raises:ARCOSError – If unable to connect to any available ports.

Stop the ARCOS server and close the connection if running.


Continually send the PULSE command so that the robot knows the client is alive.


Read an entire ARCOS Packet from an open port, including header and checksum bytes.


The entire packet as a list of bytes, including header and checksum bytes.

Return type:


  • Timeout – If at any point a timeout occurs and fewer bytes than expected are read.
  • InvalidPacket – If the packet header, checksum, or packet length are invalid.
  • ARCOSError – If something went wrong reading from the serial port.
send_command(code, data=None, append_null=True)

Send a command and data to the ARCOS server.

  • code – The command code. Must be in soar.robot.arcos.command_types.
  • data (optional) – The associated command argument, assumed to be of the correct type. For commands that take a string argument, a bytes object may also be used.
  • append_null (optional) – If True, append a null byte to any str or bytes object passed as a command argument.
  • Timeout – If the write timeout of the port was exceeded.
  • ARCOSError – If an error occurred writing to the serial port.

Send arbitrary data to the ARCOS server.

Adds the packet header and checksum. Thread-safe.


*data – A tuple or iterable of bytes, whose values are assumed to be between 0 and 255, inclusive.

  • Timeout – If the write timeout of the serial port was exceeded.
  • ARCOSError – If something went wrong writing to the serial port.

Open the ARCOS servers, enable the sonars, and start the pulse & update coroutines.


Try to sync with an ARCOS server connected over an open serial port.

Returns the raw robot identifying information packet sent after SYNC2 if successful.

Parameters:tries (int, optional) – The number of failures to tolerate before timing out.
Raises:Timeout – If the number of tries is exhausted and syncing was not completed.

Continually receive and decode packets, storing them as attributes and triggering events.

static wait_or_timeout(event, timeout=1.0, timeout_msg='')

Wait for an event to occur, with an optional timeout and message.

  • event (Event) – The event to wait for. Expected to be one of the attribute events of this class.
  • timeout (float, optional) – How long to wait for the event before timing out.
  • timeout_msg (str) – The message to pass if a timeout occurs.

Timeout – If the event has not occurred by the specified time.

exception soar.robot.arcos.ARCOSError

Bases: soar.errors.SoarIOError

Umbrella class for ARCOS-related exceptions.

soar.robot.arcos.BUMPSTALL = 44

Stall robot if no (0), only front (1), only rear (2), or either (3) bumpers make contact.

soar.robot.arcos.CLOSE = 2

Close servers and client connection. Also stops the robot.

soar.robot.arcos.CONFIG = 18

Request a configuration SIP.

soar.robot.arcos.DCHEAD = 22

Adjust heading relative to last setpoint; +- degrees (+ is counterclockwise).

soar.robot.arcos.DHEAD = 13

Turn at SETRV speed relative to current heading; (+) counterclockwise or (-) clockwise degrees.

soar.robot.arcos.DIGOUT = 30

Set (1) or reset (0) user output ports. High bits 8-15 is a byte mask that selects the ports to change; low bits 0-7 set (1) or reset (0) the selected port(s).

soar.robot.arcos.ENABLE = 4

Enable the motors, if argument is 1, or disable them if it is 0.

soar.robot.arcos.ENCODER = 19

Request a single (1), a continuous stream (>1), or stop (0) encoder SIPS.

soar.robot.arcos.E_STOP = 55

Emergency stop. Overrides acceleration, so is very abrupt.

soar.robot.arcos.HEAD = 12

Turn at SETRV speed to absolute heading; +-degrees (+ is counterclockwise).

soar.robot.arcos.IOREQUEST = 40

Request a single (1), a continuous stream (>1), or stop (0) IO SIPS.

exception soar.robot.arcos.InvalidPacket

Bases: soar.robot.arcos.ARCOSError

Raised when a packet’s checksum is incorrect.

soar.robot.arcos.MOVE = 8

Translate forward (+) or backward (-) mm absolute distance at SETV speed.

soar.robot.arcos.OPEN = 1

Start the ARCOS servers.

soar.robot.arcos.POLLING = 3

Change sonar polling sequence. Argument is a string consisting of sonar numbers 1-32 (as single bytes).

soar.robot.arcos.PULSE = 0

Reset server watchdog (typically sent every second so that the robot knows the client is alive).

soar.robot.arcos.ROTATE = 9

Rotate counter- (+) or clockwise (-) degrees/sec at SETRV limited speed.

soar.robot.arcos.RVEL = 21

Rotate (degrees/sec) counterclockwise (+) or clockwise (-). Limited by SETRV.

soar.robot.arcos.SAY = 15

Play up to 20 duration, tone sound pairs through User Control panel piezo speaker. The argument is a string whose first byte must be the number of (duration, tone) pairs to play, followed by each (duration, tone) pair. Duration is in 20 millisecond increments. A value of 0 means silence. The values 1-127 are the corresponding MIDI notes, with 60 being middle C. The remaining values are frequencies computed as (tone - 127)*32, ranging from 1-4096 in 32Hz increments.

soar.robot.arcos.SETA = 5

Set translation acceleration, if positive, or deceleration, if negative, in mm/sec^2.

soar.robot.arcos.SETO = 7

Reset local odometry position to the origin (0, 0, 0).

soar.robot.arcos.SETRA = 23

Change rotation (+) acceleration or (-) deceleration in degrees/sec^2

soar.robot.arcos.SETRV = 10

Set maximum rotation velocity in degrees/sec. Note that the robot is still limited by the hardware cap.

soar.robot.arcos.SETV = 6

Set maximum translational velocity in mm/sec. Note that the robot is still limited by the hardware cap.

soar.robot.arcos.SONAR = 28

1=enable, 0=disable all the sonar; otherwise bits 1-3 specify an array from 1-4 to enable/disable.

soar.robot.arcos.SONARCYCLE = 48

Change the sonar cycle time, in milliseconds.

soar.robot.arcos.SOUNDTOG = 92

Mute (0) or enable (1) the user control piezo speaker.

soar.robot.arcos.STOP = 29

Stop the robot without disabling the motors.

soar.robot.arcos.SYNC0 = 0

The initial synchronization packet.

soar.robot.arcos.SYNC1 = 1

The second synchronization packet.

exception soar.robot.arcos.Timeout

Bases: soar.robot.arcos.ARCOSError

Raised when no packet is read after a certain interval.

soar.robot.arcos.VEL = 11

Translate at mm/sec forward (+) or backward (-), capped by SETV.

soar.robot.arcos.VEL2 = 32

Set independent wheel velocities; bits 0-7 for right wheel, bits 8-15 for left in 20mm/sec increments.

soar.robot.arcos.command_types = {0: None, 1: None, 2: None, 3: <class 'str'>, 4: <class 'int'>, 5: <class 'int'>, 6: <class 'int'>, 7: None, 8: <class 'int'>, 9: <class 'int'>, 10: <class 'int'>, 11: <class 'int'>, 12: <class 'int'>, 13: <class 'int'>, 15: <class 'str'>, 18: None, 19: <class 'int'>, 21: <class 'int'>, 22: <class 'int'>, 23: <class 'int'>, 28: <class 'int'>, 29: None, 30: <class 'int'>, 32: <class 'int'>, 35: <class 'int'>, 40: <class 'int'>, 44: <class 'int'>, 48: <class 'int'>, 55: None, 92: <class 'int'>}

The argument type of every supported ARCOS command.


Decode a SIP (Server Information Packet) into a field-indexable dictionary.

Returns:A dictionary with field names as keys and values as corresponding numbers. The 'TYPE' key holds a value of 'STANDARD', 'CONFIG', 'ENCODER', or 'IO', corresponding to the packet type.
Return type:dict
Raises:InvalidPacket – If a packet’s fields could not be decoded.

Calculate and returns the ARCOS packet checksum of a packet which does not have one.

Parameters:data (list) – A list of data bytes.
Returns:The packet checksum.
Return type:int